Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Keeping a bow in place.

 Hello crafty people!
Kristie here today from Kristie Kreates.
Have you ever had a hard time tying a bow
and getting it to stay just where you want it on a card? 
I know I have.
Today I'm going to show you
an easy way to get that bow to stay just where you want it.
First cut a piece of ribbon and decide
where you want it placed on the front of the panel.
Once you know the placement,
punch a hole right where you want the bow to sit.
Next you will place the ribbon across the panel,
bring it around the sides to the back
and thread the ends up through the hole.
Now pull the ribbon tight over the hole,
 bringing one end of ribbon to the top and one to the bottom
of the card panel.
Now you will tie it in a bow that will not move on your card.
Once the bow is tied how you want it,
 trim your ends and adjust the edges
to be where you want them.
This bow isn't moving anywhere.
Here is the card I made with this panel.

I hope you will try this technique for adding a ribbon and bow to your card.
Thanks for stopping by today for my tutorial.
I'd love to have you stop by my personal blog
and see what else I've been creating at

Until next month, have fun creating!

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